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HR2k1022.JPG 104.91 Kb Jon MacManus crossing Mineral Creek. |
HR2k1023.JPG 81.14 Kb Deb, Steve, Jeff Holdaway? |
HR2k1024.JPG 78.23 Kb Eric, ?, Susan Gardner. |
HR2k1025.JPG 126.22 Kb Chuck Kroger & Andrea crossing Mineral Creek. |
HR2k1026.JPG 143.90 Kb Chuck Kroger & Andrea crossing Mineral Creek. |
HR2k1027.JPG 140.84 Kb Headed up the trail along the Silverton Bear Creek towards Putnam Basin. |
HR2k1028.JPG 165.89 Kb Blake Wood, Kirk Apt & Jim Fisher. |
HR2k1029.JPG 140.08 Kb Kirk Apt headed toward Putnam Basin. |
HR2k1030.JPG 137.64 Kb Kirk Apt, Jim Fisher, Scott Mills, Lorrie Hutchison?, Tim Cannon. |
HR2k1031.JPG 169.82 Kb Kirk Apt, Jim Fisher, Scott Mills. |
HR2k1032.JPG 124.15 Kb Blake, Edward Strickland, Emily Loman. |
HR2k1033.JPG 166.75 Kb Edward Strickland. |
HR2k1034.JPG 126.26 Kb Climbing up to the high point on Putnam Divide. |
HR2k1035.JPG 109.49 Kb Starting down from the high point on Putnam Divide. |
HR2k1036.JPG 91.88 Kb Betsy K on a small climb before dropping into the Porcupine Creek area. |
HR2k1037.JPG 184.60 Kb Dropping in the Porcupine Creek area. Ruth Zollinger?, Jonathon Worswick?, Betsy Nye?, ?. |
HR2k1038.JPG 187.27 Kb The trail above Lower Ice Lake Basin. |
HR2k1039.JPG 138.71 Kb Betsy Nye climbing up from Lower Ice Lake Basin. In the background are Fuller Pk, Vermilion Pk & part of the Golden Horn. |
HR2k1040.JPG 134.49 Kb Looking up at Grant-Swamp Pass. The route goes to the right of the large rock formation. |
HR2k1041.JPG 136.03 Kb Looking back as Blake Wood climbs up the Grant-Swamp pass hill. |
HR2k1042.JPG 97.76 Kb Emily Loman, Betsy Kalmeyer and further up Betsy Nye on the top of Grant-Swamp Pass. Joel's plaque is to the right of Betsy Nye. |